Ah, October. That magical month here in New Orleans when the weather gets cooler, the shadows get longer, and the leaves begin to turn. All this can only mean one other thing: Mordheim!
A lot has happened since Isaac. Here is a whirlwind wrap up of the past few weeks:
-The Shattered Sun Heavy Gear Blitz campaign is drawing to a close. We are in the single elimination tournament phase now. Who will claim dominance over the Bad lands?
-The Blood Bowl league is in full effect! Benson is heading up the charge on the pitch with some fantastic dugouts and awesome stadium terrain.
-Mordheim, City of the Damned campaign is underway! Which warband will emerge with the most Fortune and Glory (and wyrdstone)? Will it be the Skaven of Clan Eshin? The Witchhunters of Sigmar? Or will all succumb to the Rot of Father Nurgle?
-World of Warcraft: TCG is undergoing a renaissance of sorts! Check out the new class starters and throw down with a quick, fun, easy-to-play card game.
-Speaking of World of Warcraft, the Mists of Pandaria expansion is now live and open for adventure. The new Monk class is very rewarding and the new continent (and content) is beautifully rendered and is more engaging then ever. Roll a new Pandaren race character and check it out!
-Netrunner LCG has been released from FFG and it is nothing short of amazing! A more detailed review is forthcoming, but this game has exceeded any expectations I had for it and then some. Quality production value, fantastic, evocative art with a unique twist on a super fun game mechanic all set in the Android universe. Simply amazing!
-Magic:The Gathering Return to Ravnica is released and the new cards are just what everyone hoped for!
Dark Vengeance! The new Warhammer 40,000 starter box pitting the Dark Angles against the minions of the Chaos Marines is out is fantastically done! A win/win situation for me since I play both armies!
-Guild Wars 2 is also live and the land of Tyria is there to explore! This is a great game, unique game play and combat/questing mechanics all beautifully rendered make for a fantastic MMO.
Dungeons & Dragons Encounters! The new season of the D&D Encounters is in full swing on Wednesday nights. Kalistryx was betrayed by her entire party! However, they could not keep her down and Lolth had a trick or two installed for all who opposed her will. The third and final installment of the series involving the Drow and the machinations of the Spider Queen, Lolth, will be revealed in the War of Eternal Darkness!
As Year of the Gear begins to wind down, what is in store for our motley band of gamers next year?
The Dystopic Age is upon us! Dystopian Wars will be front and center in our gaming line up, mixing land and naval battles with the steam punk nature of the Victorian science fiction age.
Dropzone Commander! Also getting a bit of the spotlight next year will be Dropzone Commander from Hawk Wargames. A 15mm science fiction game focusing on deploying and redeploying your forces as armies clash over drop zones and seek out victory.
Freebooters Fate! A fine game of skirmmish level combat is getting the spotlight as well. With some new war bands, an Indiegogo crowdsource project, and rules expansion, this game is shaping up to be a contender for a campaign!
In addition to the above, board gaming is also getting more attention. Lords of Waterdeep, Alien Frontier, Dungeon! and the Dungeon Command games are getting more play time. Darkest Night, the first Victory Point Games boxed game, has been released and had many positive reviews. Look forward to one from me soon!
On the painting table for me are the last models of my Nucoal Heavy Gear Blitz army (which is amazing), a Sisters of Battle army for 40k, and my Freebooters Fate Brotherhood warband. I am just finishing my Carnival of Chaos warband for Mordheim, and have been using the new Games Workshop paints. I am very impressed with their system, especially the texture paint for the bases. When combined with the wet palette technique I picked up from Henry, they are painting up very fast and appropriately "Nurgle-y".
So we have a lot of gaming projects in store for us over the next year. I am thankful many of which I have already collected over the years! All in all, we are having a great time coming together and having fun rolling dice and pushing toy soldiers around. I look forward to what lies ahead for our gaming group this next year!
See you next year, October! You were GREAT!
Strength and Honor,