Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Game Night

Admit it. We humans are social creatures. No matter how much some of us may try to live on an island unto ourselves, inevitably we gravitate towards other like minded souls to socialze. We congregate at various watering holes, taverns, or coffee shops to socialize and talk about our common interests or topics of the day.

Many of you have heard me talk of the Third Place concept. Basically, we spend a majority of our time at our homes and workplaces because we have to. But the third place we choose to spend our time is usually a place that reflects something we enjoy. For some it is a local pub. For others it may be a bookstore or fitness club. Where ever it may be, our Third Place is our little sanctuary from the rigors of every day life.

For me and my friends that place is Game Night.

Game Night for us is the one day a week we set aside to get together and play some games. Most games require an opponent, so gaming lends itself very well to a social atmosphere. Game Night is the night my mates and I get together to roll some dice, move some miniatures, and try to pulverize each other's armies into submission. We experience the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat, and the camaraderie that ensues from spending an evening together playing the games that we love.

Now, Game Night can be at any location that lends itself to gaming. Most commonly Game Night can be found at your friendly local game store (FLGS). This is often fun and convenient, as many of the games you play can be purchased at the store. I am very much a proponent of "pay where you play". After all, if you play at someone's business it seems only fair to support that business so that it may continue to stay open and provide you with a place to have your Game Night.

If a FLGS is not an option for you, consider meeting at someone's home. Currently, for me and my gaming buds Game Night is hosted at a friends apartment that we have affectionately dubbed "The Cave". We get together at the table and run the full gambit of our gaming hobby. Our problem is we seem to have more games that we want to play than we have time to actually play them! I have noticed that as a gaming group, comprised of folks from many diverse backgrounds, we are establishing our own little customs and rituals that enforce our kinship. For example, when we meet we simply must hit a particular eatery because it is simply that good. Since Game Night is the only time many of us are near the restaurant it has become a custom for us to eat there. Another tradition is pie. Without fail, just about every gathering someone brings a new pie for us to eat. I like pie now more than I did before. And here I am thinking I was a cake person! But as enjoyable as these things are, they only seem to enhance the social aspect of gaming without detracting from the real reason we get together. Namely, that is to beat the ever-living crap out of each other in a game of WARMACHINE.

I'm kidding.

WARMACHINE is only one of the many games we play and we seem to play more than a few. For one, we are in the midst of playing in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Nothing beats getting together with your buds to slay a few kobolds and the craziness the develops from roleplaying. We are also avid board gamers. Board games are great for Game Night in my opinion because we all can play the same game at the same time. Carcassonne. Puerto Rico. Small World. Arkham Horror. The list goes on. We simply love playing these games and playing against each other. We are also down with card games. Warhammer Invasion. Race to the Galaxy. Cold War. All great games. For me, miniature games will always be the foundation of what hobby gaming is all about. Tabletop games like WARMACHINE, HORDES, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Fantasy, Mordhiem, Alkemy and Infinity always are fun and enjoyable games. To be certain, there are many more games I could add to these. Again, too many games and not enough time to play them!

So the deal is gaming is a social experience and we are social creatures. I am certain that if you were to get your friends together and try any of the games I mentioned you all will have a great time. Even if hobby gaming is not your thing, take a departure from what you and your friends normally do and try playing some Monopoly or Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit. You will be amazed at how playing games amongst friends really makes for a fun and unforgettable evening.

So grab a game and start your own Game Night.


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