I finally finished my first twenty-five point Cryx army. It was fun to paint real fast and loose. Not having to worry about sharp contrasts and using very dark colors made for some fast painting. Well, fast for me anyways. Here are the photos of the Slayer, Skarlock, Withershadow Combine and Bane Knight unit. I'll get a group photo once I dig up my tripod. My gaming group meets tomorrow night so I will see how Asphyxious and his forces fair against Skorne and The Searforge.
For my painting techniques, I followed the same method I used on the Bonejacks, with additional colors as needed. For example, the Skarlock soul snowball. I tried to tie the armor on the Bane Knights into the armor Tartarus is wearing by applying Great Coat Grey to the shields, shoulders and chest plate. The Withershadow Combine got a splash of color in Warlock Purple used on some of the cloth pieces.
Again, speed painting here to get the models done and on the table. This project was done in just under two weeks. I am happy with the results. Next for Cryx will be a Pistol Wraith, a War Witch Siren, and the Cankerworm!
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