Happy New Year Everyone.
Now that the dust from the chaos that was the 2010 Holiday Season has finally settled, I can now focus some attention back to The Dojo. Last year was a roller coaster of gaming goodness, I can only imagine what is in store for 2011. From the few industry rumors I have heard so far, this year looks very promising for all types of gamers. But before I get into what is in store, let me first give a quick round up of what has happened since my last post.
(<--Jason fielding Lord Carver and his Farrow army for the first time at Big Easy!)
Traditionally, my gaming club goes on hiatus during the holidays. It is just too difficult to coordinate with every one's schedules with all of the holiday preparation, celebration, and aftermath. So we have not met for Game Night in quite some time. We have put our D&D campaign on hold until we get some group dynamics worked out. I for one was sad to do this, but I can see the wisdom in doing so. I love the new edition of D&D and I hope we can pick it up again this year. In the months that have past we lost a local game store, but gained a new one here on the North Shore. I am working on creating a game room of my own, but that is a slow process. I now own a gaming table that originally hails from one of the game stores here, which is fortunate. So once the room is set up, it will give us one additional place to play and that is a good thing.
Presently, we are beginning to set some things in motion to kick off our 2011 gaming. We now have a new game store to play at, Big Easy Comics, located here in Mandeville. I'll cover Big Easy in more detail in a later post, but Steve and Tracey have been very gracious and accommodating for us and we are very thankful for their willingness in hosting our games. Warhammer 40k seems to be the game of choice there now, with a tournament scheduled in March. Friday nights are shaping up to be the best day to get some games in there, as we can stay waaaay late if we need to. Roman has plans for a Warmachine/Hordes campaign of his own creation that we will participate in throughout the year. He is also hosting Game Nights at The Cave once again, with the first one to be all about board games. Namely Puerto Rico and Power Grid in particular. I am looking forward to playing a few new board games, too. I would like to give the new version of Tannhauser a go. Jason and I are looking into two new game systems: Freebooter's Fate and Dystopian Wars. They both look promising, but we are committed to playing what we have now first, so look for more scoop on those games later in the year.
So for now, we are getting things going with a new game shop, several new players (which is always a good thing) and planning ahead to get our game on. With multiple things going on, it should not be difficult to get a game of something in, somewhere.
For Thunder Dojo, I am setting the ambitious goal of writing three articles a month. This may not sound like a lot, but it is all I can comfortably handle at the moment. So check back here a few times a month and see what nuggets of gaming awesome I have come up with!
Strength and Honor,
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