It is a well known fact that I seem to collect miniatures faster than I can assemble and paint them. This is partially a time issue but really I have to be "inspired" to really sit down at my table and get things going. There is nothing like a good campaign to really tear me away from Call of Duty or World of Warcraft and start assembling...and painting...some miniatures. My game crew is starting The Battle for Firecania campaign for WARMACHINE and HORDES. Since we custom designed the campaign rules, we were able to address specific needs of our players. For one, we can play any faction we would like each game. This has led to me getting some models that have been on the back burner for a (long) while back on track to getting done. You may recall from my last post my Blindwater Congregation models on my painting table still in boxes. Well, now they are assembled and primed! I'm going to challenge myself to get the initial fifteen points painted up over the next few weeks. My last painting challenge was to assemble and paint a small Cryx force in two weeks (see my earlier blog entry). I was pleased with how they came out and I am going to use the same "quick and dirty" painting technique on Bloody Barnabas and his warpack. I also was able to "pre-paint" and assemble my Manticore for my Retribution army. Given how the model is assembled, I decided to prime and paint each piece individually before I assembled the model. I was not sure if I would be able to get a paint brush into some of the areas if I assembled it first, so I tried this route. It is still far from finished, but I like the way it came together. I do have lots of touch up work to do on it, but that will come later. I will post a further rundown of The Battle for Firecania and how we are faring in it later.
Strength and Honor,
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