So with all the craziness that is going on, it is nice to have a hobby that lets one take a break from all the insanity of the day. For some it is golf. Others it may be playing pool. For me and my crew, it is swinging a long sword playing Dungeons and Dragons.
But who has time to play D&D anymore? Many have family obligations, work, school, second jobs, etc...how does one fit in time to play a long roleplaying campaign?
Enter D&D Encounters.
Wizards of the Coast, in a stroke of brilliance, has devised a way for those who wish to get their RPG on without the hefty time commitment. In Dungeon and Dragons Encounters, players can meet on a specific night each week, Wednesdays, and play a campaign session of D&D in less than two hours. They take this a step further buy making it so that one need not even know how to play! Encounters is great for beginners and veterans alike. WotC provides everything the DM needs to run the campaign for the season, which lasts about 13-15 weeks. Players may make their own level 1 character or play one of the pre made characters provided in the Encounters kit. In addition to the characters earning loot, gear and XP, the players themselves earn Renown Points by achieving certain milestones over the course of the season. These points earn them exclusive Fortune Cards that they may use to further enhance their character's options during game play.
Each season of Encounters focuses on telling a story in a grand setting with the players as the Heroes and centerpiece of the tale. This season's Encounters takes place in the classic D&D campaign setting of The Forgotten Realms. In Faerun lies the ruined city of Neverwinter. Decimated after a volcanic eruption, Neverwinter is the home to all manner of monsters, nefarious factions, and intrigue. Yet there is hope. Some are trying to reclaim Neverwinter and restore it to its former glory as the Jewel of the North and seek the lost Crown of Neverwinter. But who, if any will succeed in such a task? It is up to your party to find out!
So check out your FLGS on Wednesdays nights and participate in D&D Encounters. Discover (again) why gathering around the table with your friends and fighting some baddies is a great way to get away from the craziness of the day...even if it is only for two hours. You can find a D&D Encounters location here.
Strength and Honor,
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