With the success of our Heavy Gear Blitz tournament and the recruiting efforts of some dedicated Pod Squad members, we have attracted some new folks to this great miniatures game. We now have enough players to run a small League over at Big Easy Comics and we have put the first week of it behind us. It takes place in the Badlands, where players fight over the resources found there. After nine weeks of play, the players with the most resources will fight one another in a single elimination play-off style tournament. There will be official prize support from Dream Pod 9 and a Painting Award, awarded to the player judged to have the best painted army.
I find small leagues like this are good and fun to participate in. For this play group, it gives us focus and a goal to work towards. The rules are simple enough and accommodate most everyone's needs and they provide some structure and narrative to what would otherwise just be pick up games. A league also fits in with our Year of the Gear concept and continues to showcase the game and expose even more people to Heavy Gear Blitz. Steve has a few starter sets in just in case someone else wants to take the plunge.
(Come October, I will be running my infamous Mordheim campaign!)

I am enjoying learning many nuances of the game. Indirect Fire and Target Designators really make my NuCoal Chevaliers and Jerboas shine. The game has many subtle layers. Discovering how those layers interact with your faction is part of the fun of Heavy Gear. Speaking of, I just love the NuCoal models. I really lucked out by choosing the New Coalition as my faction for Heavy Gear. Fun to play, fun to paint, and they look just awesome!
I hope I fair well against my opponent for this week. Jason and his Northern army is a tough nut to crack. I'll let you know how I do!
Strength and Honor,
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